Greta Thunberg started a global movement as one 15 year old sitting outside a building with a sign!
We are cleaning up New Zealand, one adventure at a time and fighting the good fight against marine pollution.
A grassroots organisation dedicated to proving that you don’t need excessive resources, money or power to make a difference.
North Shore, Auckland based.
The Clean Up Crew New Zealand is achieving more with our initiatives than ever before. Working with the community, local artists and Auckland Council to really make a difference to our local beaches. We work hard and are very proud of the progress we continue to make, while being able to teach the public more about what we do, who we help, and how we work every day to promote positive change.
The Clean Up Crew looks to get the support of the local community.
Whether you turn up for 20mins or the whole 2 hours every persons help is appreciated in making New Zealand a little cleaner.
Teaching the public the importance of picking up all the plastic, discarded cigarettes, cans, bottles on the beach is an important aspect of our clean ups. We don’t want anyone to get hurt and this is all explained in the safety briefing before the team hits the beach.
You would not believe that so many things can be recycled or made into other products.
Cigarette butts are collected and given to a local artist to create artwork from.
The little plastic nurdles that are the basis of all plastic products, are made into stress balls with the North Shore Resource Centre
Upcoming Events

Little Shoal Bay Clean Up
Sunday 9th February

Ranch Ave Clean Up
Saturday 15th March

Castor Bay Beach Clean Up
Sunday 13th April
“We have a responsibility, every one of us… we may think we live a long way from the oceans, but we don’t. What we actually do here, and in the middle of Asia and wherever, has a direct effect on the oceans – and what the oceans do then reflects back on us.”
Launch of Blue Planet II, 2017
“Every breath of air we take, every mouthful of food that we take, comes from the natural world. And if we damage the natural world, we damage ourselves.”
Discussion with Prince William at the World Economic Forum, Davos, 2019
- – Sir David Attenborough –